2024 Trainings

2024 Trainings Attended by Title IX Coordinator

January 9

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: OCR’s 2023 Higher Education Resolution Agreements.

January 17

Presenter: Littler
Title: Conducting Effective Workplace Investigations.

January 17

Presenter: NCSSLE
Title: Lessons From the Field – Free to Learn Miniseries: Navigating Conflict to Support Inclusion.

January 18

Presenter: ICS
Title: Higher Ed 2023 Year End Review.

January 31

Presenter: Thompson & Horton LLP
Title: T&H TacTIXs Webinar Series.

February 2

Presenter: GICA
Title: Compliance Update.

February 15

Presenter: Clery Center
Title: Policy to Practice – Prevention & Awareness Programming.

February 20

Presenter: Littler
Title: What Would Overruling Chevron Mean For Labor and Employment Law?

February 26

Presenter: Littler
Title: Think Before You Speak: Employee Scenarios.

March 5

Presenter: Vector Solutions
Title: Mental Health and Sexual Respect.

March 6

Presenter: Title IX Solutions
Title: Prevention Education.

March 27

Presenter: Thompson & Horton LLC
Title: T&H TacTIXs Webinar Series.

March 28

Presenter: ASCA
Title: Conference Highlights Webinar Series: Investigations and Student Misconduct.

March 28

Presenter: Bricker Graydon
Title: Trauma-Informed Intake Meetings.

March 28

Presenter: Littler
Title: Navigating New Pay Transparency Policies: A Look Across the U.S.

April 12

Presenter: Bricker Graydon
Title: Athletics Hot Topics.

April 17

Presenter: Littler
Title: Avoiding Common Pitfalls of Workplace Investigations.

April 24

Presenter: ICS
Title: Top 5 Recommendations for Effective Implementation of the Clery Act.

April 24

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: An Overview Webinar for the 2024 Title IX Regulations.

April 25

Presenter: Title IX Solutions
Title: An Introduction to the 2024 Title IX Rule.

April 25

Presenter: Bowditch
Title: 2024 Title IX Regulations: Action Items.

April 25

Presenter: Bricker Graydon
Title: Digging Into the 2024 Title IX Regulations (Higher Ed).

April 26

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: Title IX Regulations Prep Steps Video Series.

April 26

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: 2024 Title IX Regulations Webinar Q & A.

April 26

Presenter: ICS
Title: Unlocking the 2024 Title IX Regulations.

April 30

Presenter: CUPA-HR
Title: The 2024 Title IX Regulations: What You Need to Know.

May 8

Presenter: McGrath Training
Title: New Title IX Regulations – Public Q&A with McGrath COO Billie-Jo Grant.

May 10

Presenter: Bricker Graydon
Title: Title IX Litigation Update.

May 10

Presenter: ICS
Title: Higher Education Title IX New Regulations Bootcamp.

May 15

Presenter: Bricker Graydon
Title: New Title IX Regulations: An Overview for College and University Governing Board Members.

May 16

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: Time with TIX: The Intersection of Title IX, ADA, and 504 – Why Disability Rights are Civil Rights.

May 16

Presenter: Bowditch
Title: Compliance Check In: Title IX Coordinator Responsibilities.

May 21

Presenter: Littler
Title: What is the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act?

May 29

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: Time with IX 2024 Regulation Series: Decision Points and ATIXA Model Policies for Higher Education.

May 29

Presenter: Thompson & Horton LLC
Title: T&H TacTIXs Webinar Series.

May 31

Presenter: ECR (Education Civil Rights)
Title: 2024 Title IX Rule: Ask Anything.

June 12

Presenter: Bowditch
Title: Compliance Check-in.

June 26

Presenter: Thompson & Horton LLC
Title: T&H TacTIXs Webinar Series.

June 27-28

Presenter: Title IX Solutions
Title: Title IX Coordinator Annual Training.

July 16

Presenter: Bowditch
Title: Compliance Check-in: Student Pregnancy Accommodations.

July 17

Presenter: ICS
Title: Community Partner Implementation Check In.

July 23

Presenter: Peters, Kalail, Markakis, LLP
Title: Title IX Regulations – Legal Update.

July 23

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: Navigating Uncertainty/Community Town Hall.

July 25

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: Navigating the Complexities of Retaliation In Civil Rights Investigations.

July 31

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: Time with TIX; 2024 Regulation Series: Addressing Expanded Title IX Jurisdiction in the 2024 Regulations.

August 8

Presenter: ICS
Title: Higher Education Back to School Webinar.

August 13

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: Ensuring the Highest Quality Title IX Outcomes.

August 15

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: Title with IX; Political Climate and First Amendment Rights.

August 22

Presenter: Bowditch
Title: Compliance Check-in.

August 28

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: Title with IX; Expanded Scope of Title IX: Sex-Based Harassment and Discrimination.

August 28

Presenter: Thompson & Horton
Title: T&H TacTIXs 2024 TIX Webinar Series.

September 19

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: Time with IX: Creating a Purposeful Title IX Website: Best Practices for Compliance.

September 19

Presenter: Bricker Graydon
Title: Higher Ed Free Webinar Series | Elections, Free Speech, and Academic Freedom.

September 25

Presenter: Thompson & Horton
Title: T&H TacTIXs 2024 TIX Webinar Series.

September 26

Presenter: Bricker Graydon
Title: Hostile Environment Basics.

October 30

Presenter: Thompson & Horton LLC
Title: T&H TacTIXs 2024 Webinar Series.

October 31

Presenter: Bricker Graydon
Title: Common Issues in Investigating.

November 7

Presenter: Clery Center
Title: Policy to Practice – Establishing a Clery Compliance Team.

November 15

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: ATIXA Community Town Hall.

November 19

Presenter: Dan Schorr LLC
Title: Queering Up the Title IX Process: Responding to Reports of LGBTQ+ Discrimination.

November 20

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: ATIXA Barrier Analysis Best Practices.

November 20

Presenter: Thompson & Horton LLC
Title: T&H TacTIXs: 2024 TIX Webinar Series.

November 21

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: ATIXA Pieces of Prevention Puzzle Through a Trauma-Informed Lens.

November 21

Presenter: Bricker Graydon
Title: Title IX Litigation Update.

November 22

Presenter: Bricker Graydon
Title: Title VI Litigation and OCR Resolution Update.

December 3

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: Recent Title IX and Title VI OCR Resolution Agreements Webinar Part 1. 

December 12

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: Recent Title IX and Title VI OCR Resolution Agreements Webinar Part 2.

2024 Trainings Attended by Other Equity and Compliance Staff

January 15

Presenter: Case IQ
Title: 2024 Workplace Investigation Trends You Need to Prepare For.

January 17

Presenter: NCSSLE
Title: Lessons From the Field – Free to Learn Miniseries: Navigating Conflict to Support Inclusion.

January 18

Presenter: ICS
Title: Higher Ed 2023 Year End Review.

January 31

Presenter: Thompson & Horton LLP
Title: T&H TacTIXs Webinar Series.

March 27

Presenter: Thompson & Horton LLC
Title: T&H TacTIXs Webinar Series.

April 4

Presenter: Title IX Solutions
Title: Level I: Title IX Investigator Training.

These materials are the exclusive property of Title IX Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved, ©2022. The publishing of these materials on this website is authorized by Title IX Solutions, LLC solely for use by this institution in compliance with Regulation 34 CFR §106.45(b)(10)(i)(D). No other use or dissemination by this institution or any third party is authorized without the prior written consent of Title IX Solutions, LLC.

The information and materials provided during this program were for educational purposes only and not intended to be legal advice. Attendees should seek independent legal advice concerning the issues presented.

April 24

Presenter: ATIXA
Title: An Overview Webinar for the 2024 Title IX Regulations.

April 25

Presenter: Title IX Solutions
Title: An Introduction to the 2024 Title IX Rule.

April 26

Presenter: ICS
Title: Unlocking the 2024 Title IX Regulations.

April 30

Presenter: Dan Schorr LLC
Title: Alternative Resolutions in Title IX.

April 30

Presenter: CUPA-HR
Title: The 2024 Title IX Regulations: What You Need to Know.

August 28

Presenter: Thompson & Horton
Title: T&H TacTIXs 2024 TIX Webinar Series.

September 24

Presenter: Grand River Solutions
Title: Pregnancy or Related Conditions Under Title IX.

September 25

Presenter: Thompson & Horton
Title: T&H TacTIXs 2024 TIX Webinar Series.

October 30

Presenter: Thompson & Horton LLC
Title: T&H TacTIXs 2024 Webinar Series.

November 19

Presenter: Dan Schorr LLC
Title: Queering Up the Title IX Process: Responding to Reports of LGBTQ+ Discrimination.

November 20

Presenter: Thompson & Horton LLC
Title: T&H TacTIXs: 2024 TIX Webinar Series.

2024 Decision Maker and Appeal Officer Training

March 14

Presenter: Sharon Stellato & Rachel Turnbull
Title: Decision Maker and Appeal Officer Training.

December 2

Presenter: Sharon Stellato & Rachel Turnbull
Title: Decision Maker and Appeal Officer Training.

2024 Investigator Training

October 9

Presenter: Sharon Stellato
Title: Investigator Training.