
Understanding our Process

Complainants have several options, including:

  • No Action
  • University Investigation
  • Criminal Process

Both parties have access to and may request supportive measures. Please view some of our most common supportive measures listed below. This list is not exhaustive and supportive measures will be discussed during a Complainant’s meeting with our office.

Our office has created a basic flowchart to help spread understanding of the Title IX process. You may download a pdf copy by clicking HERE.

Supportive Measures

The Title IX Coordinator serves as the primary point of contact for facilitating the issuance of supportive measures to stop the misconduct, prevent the reoccurrence and address the situation.  Examples of supportive measures include but are not limited to:

Assistance with Reporting to law enforcement: If the Complainant chooses, the University may assist in filing a report with the appropriate law enforcement agency.

No Contact Order: The University may implement a “no-contact” order. A “no-contact” order, typically will include a directive that the parties refrain from having any contact with one another, directly or through third parties, whether in person or via electronic means.

Counseling Services: The University has free counseling services. Please see additional information below about CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services).

Protective Order: The University may provide law enforcement or victim services information in order to assist in filing for a protective order, restraining order, or similar lawful orders issued by a criminal, civil or tribal court.

Safety Measures: The University may coordinate any reasonable arrangements that are necessary for ongoing safety.

Housing Accommodations: The University may assist in changing on-campus living arrangements, as available, for either party to ensure safety and a comfortable living situation.

Campus Trespass Order/Restriction: The University may issue a trespass preventing an individual from entering any part of campus. A campus restriction may also be imposed in order to restrict an individual from certain areas of campus, such as a residence hall (this can also include restrictions from University activities and/or events).

Employment Accommodations: The University may assist with altering work arrangements for employees, including changes in work schedule or job assignment.

Academic Accommodations/Modifications: The University may assist with adjusting academic schedules, withdrawals, absence notifications, deadline extensions, and testing accommodations as well as assist in providing resources to academic support services.

Other Measures: The University may coordinate reasonable arrangements to address the effects of Title IX complaints, including connections with counseling, health care, financial planning assistance, immigration and/or visa assistance, or academic support resources.



CAPS services are available to all students.  Please call CAPS at 478.301.2862 to schedule a confidential appointment with a counselor.

In Case of a Mental Health Emergency: please contact the CAPS office at 478.301.2862. If your emergency is after hours, please contact Mercer Police Department at 478.301.2970 if you are on-campus or call 911 if you are off-campus.

If you or someone you know needs support with suicidal thoughts or questions of nonexistence, call / text 988 or chat (national suicide and crisis line) to reach a live person who can help.  In addition, students can access the free Georgia Crisis and Access Line at 1-800-715-4225 for either crisis assistance or assistance with locating mental health resources in their area.



CAPS services are available to all students.  Please call CAPS at 678.547.6060 to schedule a confidential appointment with a counselor.

In Case of a Mental Health Emergency: please contact the CAPS office at 678.547.6060. If your emergency is after hours, please contact Mercer Police Department at 678.547.6358 if you are on-campus or call 911 if you are off-campus.

If you or someone you know needs support with suicidal thoughts or questions of nonexistence, call / text 988 or chat (national suicide and crisis line) to reach a live person who can help.  In addition, students can access the free Georgia Crisis and Access Line at 1-800-715-4225 for either crisis assistance or assistance with locating mental health resources in their area.