Request a Training

The Office of Equity and Compliance provides a variety of training and presentation topics that both directly and indirectly relate to the University compliance of discrimination and harassment laws and policy. The following topics are currently offered and can be requested for any student, staff, faculty or community group. Please note: training and presentation requests are accepted on a first come first serve basis and scheduling of requested training or presentations are subject to Office of Equity and Compliance staffing availability.

  • Discrimination and Harassment
  • Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
  • Bystander Intervention
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Microaggressions and Gender Pronouns
  • The big 4: Force, Consent, Coercion & Incapacitation
  • Social Media and Online Relationships

If you wish to request a training or presentation by someone from the Office of Equity and Compliance on one of the mentioned topics, please use our TRAINING REQUEST FORM.