
This page helps to guide any student or faculty/staff member looking for answers about reporting to our office.

Mandatory Reporting

All University faculty and employees (including student-employees), other than those deemed Confidential Employees* by policy are Mandated Reporters and are expected to promptly report all known details of actual or suspected discrimination, harassment, retaliation and/or any other prohibited conduct defined by this policy immediately to the AVP of Equity and Compliance.

Employees must also promptly share all details of behaviors under this policy that they observe or have knowledge of, even if not directly reported to them. Failure to report an incident, defined by this policy, of which they become aware, is a violation of University policy and may be subject to disciplinary action for failure to comply.

In addition, all individuals, groups or organizations associated with the operations, employment, education initiatives or involved in any form of business or opportunity with the University are expected to immediately report actual or suspected misconduct as defined by this policy, to the AVP of Equity and Compliance. This includes, but is not limited to: contractors, volunteers, security, FSP advisors or any individual associated with a University FSP or student organization, etc.

*Clinical staff at the University Counseling and Psychological Services, medical professionals and staff at the University On-Campus Health, and the University Minister are confidential reporters only when acting in the capacity of their role as a counselor or health care provider.